In the heart of Japan’s legendary snow country (Yukiguni), the Madarao and Myoko areas stand out as top destinations for winter sports enthusiasts. These neighboring regions receive an abundant snowfall of approximately 13 meters annually and are celebrated for their distinct powder snow—light, dry, and ideal for skiing and snowboarding. Framed by the dramatic backdrop of the Myoko-Togakushi Renzan National Park, they combine breathtaking natural beauty with rich cultural heritage, making them a dream destination for adventure and relaxation alike.

Starting this 2024-2025 season, the skiing experience in Madarao and Myoko reaches new heights with the introduction of the Mt. Myoko + 3 Day Pass, which connects seven incredible ski resorts into a massive skiable domain spanning 965 hectares. This makes it the largest connected ski area in Japan, surpassing some of the country’s most famous ski regions:

Discover the Mt. Myoko + 3 Day Pass

The Mt. Myoko + 3 Day Pass is a game-changing ticket designed to enhance your skiing experience and make exploring the region seamless.

What’s Included?

The pass grants access and connectivity to seven premier ski resorts:

Mt. Myoko Area Ski Resorts

Plus Three Additional Ski Resorts

Convenient Shuttle Bus Service

The pass also includes an all-day shuttle bus pass that connects these resorts. Routes covered:

  • Mt. Myoko Shuttle: Linking Akakura Onsen to Myoko Suginohara.
  • Lotte-Madarao Shuttle: Connecting Lotte Arai Resort, Akakura, and Madarao Kogen.

This allows you to explore different resorts seamlessly over three days (which can be non-consecutive), maximizing your time on the slopes without worrying about transportation logistics. Just remember to check the shuttle bus service timetable before planning your trip.

The Ultimate Powder Adventure

With the Mt. Myoko + 3 Day Pass, planning your ski trip to Madarao and Myoko has never been easier. Imagine starting your day with thrilling tree runs in Madarao, hopping on the shuttle bus to explore the vast terrain of Myoko Suginohara, and finishing with a relaxing soak in a traditional onsen or a vibrant après-ski scene in Akakura. The possibilities are endless!

For those seeking even more flexibility or access to additional skiable areas, we offer guided tours and customized ski packages to enhance your experience. As local travel experts, we specialize in creating bespoke ski adventures in the Madarao and Myoko regions. From accommodation to guided tours and transportation, we’ve got you covered.

Reach out to us and let’s make your dream ski holiday a reality!

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